Custody disputes are often highly contentious. This tension is driven by differing parenting views and varying stances on what’s in the child’s best interests. And these fights can quickly turn personal, with each parent lobbing character attacks against the other in...
Child Custody
What should you expect during child custody disputes?
As a parent, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and concerned about your child's well-being, especially when child custody problems surface. However, being prepared and knowledgeable about potential issues that may arise during child custody disputes can help you take...
Reducing the emotional impact of custody battles on children
Child custody battles can be overwhelming for everyone involved, especially children. The stress, uncertainty, and changes in their lives can significantly impact their emotional well-being. It is essential to take proactive steps to minimize this impact and provide...
What to include in a birdnesting agreement
Birdnesting, also known as nesting, is a special custody setup where the kids remain in the family home and the parents take turns living there. This arrangement aims to minimize the disruption in children’s lives during divorce. While nesting can be beneficial, it...
Possible joint child custody arrangements in Virginia
Determining which custody arrangement will work best for your family can be difficult, especially when you do not live near your child’s other parent. Generally, when both parents live close to each other, shared physical custody and joint legal custody are both...
How to keep your children safe from domestic violence
Statistics have shown that about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced some type of severe physical violence perpetrated upon them by an intimate partner, which includes domestic violence in the form of physical assault and domestic battery. This violence...
Could a “co-parenting app” help in your child custody situation?
Working through a child custody arrangement can be tricky even for those parents who are on the best of terms. In some situations, co-parenting occurs after a divorce. In other situations, the parents were never married to begin with. Either way, there are so many...
What is the difference between custody and visitation?
Family law cases in Virginia that address child custody or support can be some of the most difficult cases to be involved in, both from an emotional perspective and from a legal one. Yes, there are guidelines provided by state law that can help parents in Virginia who...
Modifying child custody agreements in Virginia
A child custody and visitation plan generally specifies how much time each parent will spend with the child during the year and what decisions each parent is allowed to make on behalf of the child. If the child’s parents can come to an agreement through mediation,...
Child custody: Working with your ex
Some people who go through a divorce can look forward to never having to talk to their ex again. Divorcing parents don't have that luxury, particularly if their children are still young. Typically, these parents must continue to work with each other to coordinate...