What Is The Right Way To Settle Your Divorce?
The terms of your final divorce order will impact your life for years to come. As you seek a resolution that will allow you a strong future, it is also beneficial to consider the best way to get there. At Powell Radomsky, PLLC, we can help you understand if it is in your best interests to go to court, or whether it would be best to settle out of court.
When walking through divorce, you may feel out of control regarding your situation, but our attorneys will work to put you in the driver’s seat. It is up to you to choose litigation or negotiation, and our role will be to honestly assess your situation, thoroughly explain your options and guide you toward an optimal course of action.
Helping You Weigh The Benefits
As your legal counsel, we want what is best for your future. Our job is to help you reach this goal in the most effective and cost-efficient manner. Those for whom an out-of-court solution is possible will have the following benefits:
- Lower costs
- Less stress
- Better and more practical final orders
- More control over the final agreement
We are able to help you pursue a divorce settlement through negotiations, but we may employ the processes of collaborative divorce, mediation and arbitration if they are beneficial for our clients.
In some cases, litigation is necessary if spouses cannot come to an agreement or one spouse is unreasonable and unwilling to cooperate. If we go to court, we will be thorough and aggressive advocates.
Is Collaborative Law Right For You?
Collaborative divorce is an out-of-court resolution option in which both parties retain their own collaboratively trained attorneys and agree to stay out of the court system to resolve their marital problems privately.
In this process, you have full disclosure of all information that is relevant to your divorce, and you make decisions during a series of team meetings with your attorney, your spouse, your spouse’s attorney, a neutral financial specialist and a neutral coach.
Fighting For Your Best Future
Our lawyers are exceptionally skilled at assessing a situation and anticipating the outcome. We employ this skill to help our Virginia clients move forward with the most appropriate course of action.
Contact our office in Fairfax at 866-368-2617, or email us to make an appointment and discuss your case with a member of our team.